Unbroken Hearts in a Broken World: Sister Gemma Simmonds on Cultivating Compassion and Free Will

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Life throws us curveballs, but what if those challenges are opportunities to discover our own strength? In this episode, Sister Gemma Simmonds, a powerhouse of positivity, grapples with the big questions: Are we bound by forces beyond our control, or do we have the freedom to forge our own destiny? Sister Gemma shares profound insights gleaned from a remarkable life, challenging the idea of determinism and revealing the power of choice. Even in the darkest corners, she shows us how to cultivate compassion and find meaning. Join us for an uplifting conversation that will leave you empowered to navigate life's uncertainties and create a brighter future.
Unbroken Hearts in a Broken World: Sister Gemma Simmonds on Cultivating Compassion and Free Will
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